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Key Questions and Comments 
​What are the various instructional strategies that the teacher has embedded to continually keep students engaged and keep an appropriate pace for the lesson?

What is the rationale of using a learning map in a unit? How does this benefit the teacher? How does this benefit the students?

What are benefits of using a summarizing tool such as a learning log during instruction?

How does the use of a timer support pacing and student engagement?

Description of Video

Discover how Carolyn Merritt uses High-Impact Instructional Strategies such as learning maps and learning logs to increase engagement and deepen understanding of content.


0:31 Description of Learning Maps
2:17 Timer (Using a timer as an engagement strategy)
2:35 Managing Supplies
2:59 Learning Log
4:07 Engaging Students through a Variety of Tools
​4:34 Utilizing White Boards


Learning Maps
Learning Logs
Student Reflection & Summarizing
High Impact Instructional Strategies

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