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Key Questions and Comments 
​The student participation and interaction suggests that the teacher has put very clear expectations in place.  What do you do in your own classroom to make these expectations known?

The teacher discusses using a mini syllabus at the beginning of each unit.  Consider how this prepares the students and allows them to be in charge of their learning.

Mrs. Morphette mentions the importance of safety and ensuring that there is a focus on academic learning.  Notice how her students respond to that even while playing a fun review game.

​The teacher mentions that she does not give pop quizzes to her students.  Think about how this eliminates the stress on some students and allows them to focus on the material at hand.

Description of Video

Discover how Christine Morphette uses Class Structure & Expectations to engage students and to improve understanding concepts.  


0:21 Review game
0:50 Whole group discussion expectations
​2:14 Teacher expectations


Academic learning
Mini syllabus

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